Centre for Science in the Public Interest

For the Record

For Immediate Release:
November 21, 2000

For more information:
Bill Jeffery

Related Links:
Election 2000

en français
in English


   Parties Reveal Food Policy Positions to Consumer Watchdog Group

   OTTAWA (November 21, 2000) — The non-partisan Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) today revealed responses from the five major federal political parties to key food policy questions. The responses disclosed the parties’ positions on: (1) mandatory nutrition labelling, (2) labelling of genetically modified foods, (3) public funding for nutrition education, and (4) poverty and child nutrition programs. The complete text of the all responses received to date in English and French is available on CSPI’s web-site: <http://www.cspinet.org/canada/>.

CSPI Canada