We are writing to express our serious concerns about the proposals advanced in two recently
released Health Canada consultation documents concerning health claims for food. We are
especially concerned that the latter document initially requested comments to be filed by
stakeholders only three weeks following its release.(1) We are also concerned that approval of these
proposals is being forced through without an adequately visible public consultation process.
The Alliance for Food Label Reform is a 17 member coalition of non-profit organizations
representing nearly two million consumers, health professionals and scientists from all across
Canada. For more than three years, the Alliance has urged Health Canada and Members of
Parliament to establish mandatory, comprehensive, easy-to-read nutrition information on all food
labels. Comprehensive nutrition information on all foods is almost certain to produce more
healthful dietary practices than the voluntary use of health claims that manufacturers use on selected
products based on marketing considerations.
1. Mandatory nutrition labelling
Given the vastly superior public health potential of mandatory nutrition labelling, Health
Canada will be doing consumers a great disservice if it establishes a health claims regime without
first establishing a comprehensive, mandatory nutrition labelling requirement. We are disappointed
that broad support for mandatory nutrition labelling from public health experts and from the public
at large has not yet produced a commitment from Health Canada, while the industry-driven proposal
to authorize the use of health claims by food manufacturers has been given higher priority.
2. International experience with health claims
On September 15, 1999, the Alliance wrote to you to express its concerns about the use of
generic health claims on food labels. We regret that Health Canada has failed to address many of
our concerns.
There is a clear need for Canadian consumers to have a better understanding of the
relationships between diet and disease. However, there is little evidence that health claims on a few
manufacturer-selected foods even with strict eligibility criteria will accomplish this objective.
On the contrary, health claims on a few foods (currently, less than 1% of products in the U.S.) may
promote over-reliance on foods bearing claims and may discourage the consumption of more
healthful foods that do not bear claims.
While there is a theoretical potential for a market-driven health claims program to educate
consumers about the health benefits of certain foods, this potential has not been demonstrated in
either Japan or the U.S., where regulatory programs permitting such claims have been in place for
several years. Indeed, a comprehensive report issued by the International Association of Consumer
Food Organizations (IACFO) indicated that the Japanese and American programs have been beset
with problems, many of which Health Canada appears willing to replicate here.
3. Criteria for validation of health claims
a. Standards of evidence
If health claims are to be used on food labels, standards for scientific substantiation of these
claims must be set high at the level of "significant scientific agreement among qualified experts" in order to ensure that reliable messages are communicated and maximum health benefits accrue
to consumers. Claims based on preliminary or inconclusive evidence even with disclaimers and
claims about insignificant public health problems should be explicitly prohibited. Trivial or
uncertain claims should not lure consumers away from foods that are known to be healthful, but not
labelled as such. The consultation documents do not demonstrate a clear commitment to these
b. Nutritional value of foods with health claims
Claims should not be permitted for foods that contain significant quantities of unhealthful
nutrients or are of low nutritional value. Health Canadas proposal to restrict health claims to
certain food groups in the Canada Food Guide is imprecise, lacks certainty, and may not be legally
enforceable. Instead, Health Canada should prohibit the use of health claims on foods that contain
significant levels of fat, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, cholesterol, sodium, or added sugars.
Excessive consumption of these nutrients is linked to heart disease, some forms of cancer, and
obesity (which is a risk factor for diabetes and coronary heart disease). In addition, foods bearing
health claims should have at least 10% of the recommended daily intake of protein, fibre, vitamin A,
vitamin C, calcium, or iron so that less-than-nutritious foods, like coffee, are prohibited from
making claims.
c. Pre-market approval and transparency of application process
We urge Health Canada to require that all claims must be approved by Health Canada prior
to marketing. In addition, all industry materials tendered in support of any health claim approval
must be fully accessible to the public and subject to a transparent public review process before
authorization to make the claim is granted. Furthermore, the potential for bias in commercially-motivated research needs to be explicitly acknowledged by Health Canada, and the weight assigned
to such research should follow an explicit appraisal of this potential.
d. Loopholes
All health-related claims including biological role claims, structure/function claims, and
endorsements by third party health charities must satisfy the same standards for claim
substantiation, safety, pre-market approval, and labelling as those set out for disease risk-reduction
claims. Health-related claims can be easily mistaken by consumers to be authorized health claims
and should, therefore, be required to meet the same high standards.
e. Product- and food-specific claims
Food- or product-specific claims (as opposed to generic claims) should never be permitted.
By promoting the "magic bullet" approach to nutrition, such messages would run counter to
accepted nutritional advice to eat a balanced diet.
4. Mandatory health claims
If Health Canada decides to proceed with permitting health claims, despite the risks we have
identified, it should set standards for claims high and require all eligible foods to make applicable
claims on their labels. Alternatively, Health Canada could prohibit label claims, but require
authorized generic claims to be printed on posters and placed in relevant sections of grocery stores.
Voluntary health claims on a few products may simply mimic the problems of voluntary nutrition
labelling. By contrast, mandatory health claims for all eligible foods would ensure that consumers
have complete health information about all foods that qualify to make claims. Foods that are
eligible to make more than one claim on labels (e.g., most fruits and vegetables) could either make
all claims on each label or rotate the use of eligible claims. This approach is analogous to warning
labels that appear on cigarette packages except that, in this case, all of the messages would be
positive and would promote the sale of the foods bearing the label statements rather than discourage
5. Phase-in period
If health claims are permitted, we recommend that authorization to use claims validated by
Health Canada be phased-in gradually. Time is needed to monitor the impact of these claims on
purchasing patterns, dietary practices and health outcomes. If a claim is having the intended effect,
additional claims could be authorized on labels at a later date. Also, if health claims are shown to
have deleterious effects on dietary practices, remedial measures would be much quicker and less
costly (to manufacturers, government and consumers health) with fewer claims in the marketplace.
In this regard, we note that Norway, Denmark, Australia, and New Zealand have indicated that they
will examine the impact of claims before permitting health claims on foods.
6. Resources for administration
Health Canada should require that adequate public resources are available for conducting
nutritional/dietary surveillance, product inspections and evaluations, and public education to ensure
that the effects of these measures effectively enhance, not impair, public health.
In closing, we urge you to carefully consider the concerns raised here before proceeding
further with the health claims labelling program for foods. We further urge you to show leadership
by taking bold measures to improve the health of Canadians by promoting more effective programs,
such as mandatory nutrition labelling, rather than measures that suit the marketing objectives of
food manufacturers.
If we can be of any assistance to your office in addressing these concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact Alliance Coordinator, Bill Jeffery, by phone at 613-565-2140. We look forward
to your reply.
Respectfully submitted,
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Bill Jeffery, L.LB.
Centre for Science in the Public Interest
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Nathalie St. Pierre
Action Réseau Consommateur
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Claude Renaud, BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP
College of Family Physicians of Canada
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Curtis DeCoste
National Pensioners & Senior Citizens Federation
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Trinkie Coffin, B.Sc. (H.Ec.)
Canadian Home Economics Association
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Elizabeth MacNamara, MD, FRCP(C)
Canadian Association of Medical Biochemists
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Gerry Philippe
Canadian Federation of Chefs and Cooks
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Marie Traynor, R.D.
Ont. Soc. of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health
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Debbie Field
FoodShare Metro Toronto
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Maude Barlow
Council of Canadians
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Wayne Roberts, Ph.D.
Toronto Food Policy Council
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Laurie Beachell
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
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Libby A. Gardon
Consumer Health Organization of Canada
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Robin Moore-Orr, D.Sc., R.D.
Canadian Institute of Child Health
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Michael Brennan
Canadian Dental Assistants Association
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Leonard Harrison, President
National Retired Workers Advisory Council
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Nadine Henningson
Canadian Home Care Association |