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Cover Story: 1 in 8: What You May Not Know About Breast Cancer

Special Feature: Soy Oh Soy: Is It Really Bad For You?

Brand-Name Rating: Pasta Sauce

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Litigation Project - the Docket
Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks

Litigation Project

Visit The Docket for the latest information on pending and closed cases.

CSPI's litigation department was created in 2004, when consumer protection at the federal level by the FDA, FTC, and USDA was at a shameful low point, to fill the void left by the inactive government agencies by using state and federal courts to help correct corporate misbehavior. CSPI's legal filings have produced binding settlements resulting in more honest labeling of artificial ingredients and halting deceptive marketing. Litigation, or the threat of litigation, has spurred several companies to remove artificial trans fats from their foods and is reducing the marketing of junk foods to kids. Although the federal agencies under the new Administration are very much revived and active, CSPI's litigation efforts will continue to assist and supplement federal and state attorney general enforcement.

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