California Senate Votes to Phase-out Artificial Trans Fat from Restaurants

Statement of CSPI Executive Director Michael F. Jacobson

July 2, 2008

The passage today in the California State Senate of a measure to phase out the use of artificial trans fat in restaurants puts the state on track to being the first in the nation to adopt this life-saving measure. The bill, which Assemblyman Tony Mendoza and Senator Elaine Alquist have skillfully steered through the legislative process, represents the longest nail yet in the coffin of artificial trans fat, which has been a major cause of heart disease.

Californians know a thing or two about food, and the vast majority of them want to get partially hydrogenated oil—the source of trans fat—out of restaurant foods once and for all. It’s easily done—several cities and counties have already done it. But some major chains, including Burger King, still use partially hydrogenated oil everywhere in the country except where they’re required not to.

Artificial trans fat belongs in history books, not recipe books. We hope this bill passes (once again) in the Assembly and is enthusiastically signed by Governor Schwarzenegger.


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